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Insulation Options For Metal Roofing Systems

Energy loss through a metal roofing system may go through various processes. Examples of these processes include conduction, convection and radiation. Metal roofing systems are insulated so as to prevent heat loss through the mentioned processes.

Prospective new homeowners who would wish to install a metal roofing system and those whose metal roofs lack proper insulation have various options available at their disposal. Discussed in this article are three among the various options.

Fiberglass Batts And Blankets

Fiberglass batts and fiberglass blankets are commonly used to insulate residential metal roofing systems. Fiberglass-based roof insulation is often preferred due to the affordability of fiberglass batts and fiberglass blankets as compared to other insulation options (e.g. closed-cell spray polyurethane foam).

Fiberglass batts used for roof insulation are pre-cut to the required size while fiberglass blankets are fabricated as continuous rolls. Due to their continuous structure, fiberglass blankets are often preferred over their batt counterparts. This is because the installation of fiberglass batts often leaves gaps between adjacent batts and these gaps act as an avenue for the infiltration of air into the roofing system and the subsequent condensation of such air. Thus, homeowners who choose to insulate a metal roof using fiberglass batts are advised to invest in an air-barrier that will fill the space(s) between adjacent batts.

Closed-Cell Spray Polyurethane Foam (CcSPF)

CcSPF is a roof insulation material that is sprayed on metal roofing panels. Using CcSPF for insulation may be more expensive than using fiberglass batts, but the extra expense is well justified. This is because CcSPF provides a solution to the problem of air infiltration through the roof insulation material.

CcSPF is designed to expand rapidly once it is sprayed on metal roofing panels. The rapid expansion allows this insulation material to fill in any space that may occur between adjacent metal roof panels. At the same time, cracks and crevices on the metal roof are also filled by the expanding insulation material. The end result is an air-tight metal roofing system that only allows for the infiltration of air through vents installed within the roof area.

Structural Insulated Panels

Structural insulation panels are fabricated using two structural boards made of wood. A foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) forms the core between the two structural boards.

The main concern that arises when using structural insulation panels is that the expanded polystyrene used as the foam material is flammable. Thus, the presence of these panels in a residential roofing system may be considered a fire hazard. Homeowners who insist on using structural insulated panels for roof insulation are advised to invest in panels that have Modified Expanded Polystyrene in the core of the panels. Modified Expanded Polystyrene is made using additives that increase the fire resistance of structural insulated panels.

For more information, contact a company like KFC Roofing Supplies Pty Ltd.
